Laboratoire Energétique Mécanique Electromagnétisme (LEME) – Université Paris Nanterre

Olivier POLIT

Olivier Polit is the coordinator of the CoqFib project. He is Professor of computational mechanics at Paris Nanterre University, in the LEME laboratory. He works in the field of theoretical and numerical, mainly by finite element (FE), developments for structural mechanics. He is an expert in FE dedicated for heterogeneous (layered, sandwich, including reinforcements) beams, arches, plates and shells in a multi-field environment. These research activities include higher order models using displacement and mixed approaches. He has developed a national and international network in the field of computational mechanics and is co-author of more than 110 works, referenced in orcid.



Dr.-Ing Michele D’Ottavio is Associate Professor at Paris Nanterre University and member of the LEME research group. His research is focussed on theoretical and numerical modelling of classical and advanced composite structures, embedding viscoelastic as well as active materials. High-order beam/plate/shell models are built within variable kinematics approaches for displacement-based as well as mixed formulations and solved by referring to quasi-analytical as well as numerical methods (Ritz, FEM).


Philippe VIDAL

Philippe Vidal is Professor of computational mechanics at Paris Nanterre University, and is the head of the LEME laboratory.
He works in the field of theoretical and numerical developments for structural mechanics.
In particular, he develops both reduced-order modeling and refined models, based on the Finite Element method, for composite beams, plates and shells in a multi-field environment.
They can be based on displacement and mixed approaches. He has developed some international collaborations and is co-author of more than 50 works, referenced in Hal.


Emmanuel VALOT

Emmanuel Valot is an assistant professor in Mechanics, more specifically in mechanical design and in composite materials, at the University of Paris Nanterre. His main research topics concern experimental tests on composite materials, to obtain material parameters to enter into FE codes used in the laboratory. In these experiments, standard equipment is used (tensile machines, strain gages, etc.), as well as in-house designs when needed.


Bruno Cotrim is the doctorate student at the LEME laboratory, from the Université Paris-Nanterre. Obtained his masters in mechanical engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, faculty of Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), with his thesis focused on optimization of noise reduction on a sandwich panel with a viscoelastic core. His work in the CoqFib project will be focused on finite element development for tissue reinforcement at the macroscopic level.

Laboratoire de Physique et de Mécanique des Textiles (LPMT) – Université de Haute Alsace


Peng WANG, engineer and Ph.D in mechanical and composite material engineering, is currently professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Haute-Alsace, France. His main research interests are textile reinforcements, textile composites forming and mechanics of fibrous materials. He is currently the head of the research group “Textile and Structure” of the Laboratory of Textile Physics and Mechanics. Since 2009, he has mainly worked in textile structural composite forming. As the principal investigator, he has accomplished 1 European research project and 3 French national research projects, and more than 10 industrial projects. Published more than 50 SCI papers and 5 book chapters.



Michel Tourlonias, after obtaining his textile degree (2002 – Mulhouse), he obtained his doctorate at the University of Mulhouse (France) in 2005. Since 2021, he has been a professor at ENSISA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs South Alsace). His research focuses on textile materials at the Textile Physics and Mechanics Laboratory in tribology (at the fiber scale, at the yarn scale and at the textile surface scale) and the machining of composite materials. This work is carried out using an experimental approach.


Engineer in materials engineering, Karine Gautier defended in 1998 a PhD on the mechanical behavior of textile reinforcements for composites under the supervision of Professor Philippe Boisse. Since 1999 she is an associate professor at the University of Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse, France) and she defended her accreditation to supervise research (HDR) in 2021. She teaches in disciplines related to materials science (metallurgy, composite materials, rheology) at ENSISA (engineering school) and conducts her research within the LPMT (Textile Physics and Mechanics Laboratory). Her research activities focus on the relationships between the structure of textile materials and their properties, both mechanical (shaping) and physical (adhesion, air permeability), with a strong experimental component to feed behavior models.


Théo Perrin is a PhD student in the LPMT Laboratory in Mulhouse. His thesis deals with the characterisation of fabrics used in the resin transer moulding process. He is focusing on the bending behavior of the yarns and the fabrics and on the friction of the yarns. He will also develop forming experiments with a robot to validate the results of the simulations designed by M Lacroix and M Cotrim. he experimetns will be conducted at room temperature and at high temperature to study the influence of the process on the fabric and yarn properties.

Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures (LaMCoS) – Université de Lyon

Philippe BOISSE

Présentation Philippe


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Emmanuelle VIDAL-SALLE

Présentation Emmanuelle


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Julien Colmars is Associate Professor at INSA Lyon, in LaMCoS laboratory, since 2014. He works on fibrous reinforcements for composite materials, both on experimental (characterization) and numerical (forming simulation) aspects. He contributes to the developpement of finite elements dedicated to fibrous materials. He also have expertise on wood mechanics and applications in cultural heritage.


Présentation Naïm


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Auriane Platzer is an Associate Professor at INSA Lyon, in LaMCoS laboratory, since 2021. She works on advanced numerical approaches for mechanics of materials and structures. She specialized in data-driven computational mechanics and has a good expertise in finite strain elasticity. She recently joined the group focused on fibrous materials to contribute to the numerical and theoritical aspects of the work.

Baptiste LACROIX

Baptiste LACROIX is a PhD student in LaMCoS in Lyon, France. The topic of his thesis is to develop a new solid-beam finite element to model continuous fibers textile forming at the mesoscopic scale. This solid-beam will take into account tension, bending and compaction of yarns in order to predict yarn sliding, wrinkling or other defect that might appears in forming process like RTM. Thus, it will lead to a new physically based finite element formulation specifically customised for yarns which will be used in continuous fiber reinforcements mesoscopic model.